Update failed, the knee beeps continuously, 0% Battery, what to do?

By any chance, if you experience a failed firmware update in the future, please use this information below to re-do the update. 

Symptoms of a failed software update

  • The knee beeps continuously
  • The battery percentage shown on the app is 0%

Firmware update failure can be caused by several reasons, e.g.,

  • Loss of internet connection
  • Loss of Bluetooth connection
  • Intuy app being closed by the phone operating system
  • Software compatibility issue

How to update the firmware again

  1. Plug in the charger and wait for the LED on the knee to turn on.
  2. Unplug the charger (this action will power off the device)
  3. Power on the device by pressing the power button for about 3 seconds.
  4. Connect to the app and then go to the update page.
  5. Initiate the update again
    Keep the phone close to the device. 
    Make sure the app is running. 
    Keep the phone screen on throughout the update process (some phone operating system kills the app if the screen is off for a while).

If the update fails 2 or 3 times in a row despite following the procedure above, contact our Customer Support. 

How to Reach our Customer Support?

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