User Accounts and Authorizations

In terms of authorization and permission, 
Distributor Admin > CPO Admin > CPO > Clinician > Wearer.

  1. The user account of a higher authorization level can invite and manage users in lower levels.
  2. "Distributor Admin" is given to employees of the distributor who manage many devices and user accounts
  3. "CPO Admin" is normally given to the sales of our distributor, who only manages a few devices and a few customers. CPO Admin mainly manages CPO, sometimes wearers directly.
  4. "CPO" mainly invites and manages wearers. Sometimes, a CPO can also invite clinicians/PT as "Clinician" users 
  5. "Clinician" mainly uses the app for rehabilitation purposes, by looking at the graph and activity reports to monitor the rehab progress and give feedback to wearers. They can change a few settings as well, again for better rehabilitation purposes.

The Distributor Admin and CPO Admin can mute the maintenance reminder. But muting can only become effective if someone connects the app with the knee afterwards.

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